
How to Use Differin Gel For Acne

Hey, lovelies, welcome or welcome back here. Today’s post is on how to use Differin gel 0.1% adapalene acne treatment. If you are a chronic acne sufferer, then you most likely have heard of this acne treatment. 

As someone who has suffered from moderate to severe acne myself, I can attest to how frustrating it can be to get products that really work to really keep your breakouts under control. Now some products seemingly don’t work because we are using them wrongly.

So if you would want to know all about Differin gel adapalene 0.1% acne treatment then…

Grab a cup of coffee, tea, or something… and let’s dive in

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What is Differin Gel?

Differin gel is an anti-acne treatment formulated with adapalene. Adapalene is a member of the skincare ingredients family known as retinoids. Retinoids are vitamin A derivatives. They are essential vitamins because they can’t be produced by the body, so they have to be taken in or applied topically. Adapalene is a synthetic topical retinoid.

Adapalene comes in two strengths: 0.1% and 0.3%  with the latter being prescription only.

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How to use differin gel for acne

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How Does Differin Gel Work?

Differin gel is marketed for the treatment of acne and is one of the first-line medications in the management of mild to moderately severe acne alongside benzoyl peroxide. Acne is the most common skin condition. It usually arises when the pores get clogged. 

The common causes of clogged pores are

  • Excess sebum production
  • Dead skin cells
  • Acne forming bacteria (cutibacterium acnes)
  • Inflammation 

Adapalene binds to receptors on the skin that causes changes in the rate of skin cell turnover. This causes quicker shedding of dead skin cells keeping the pores unclogged. Adapalene is lipophilic as well and so can really cut through the lipid matrix of the skin to the pores to work deep within the skin. It is also less irritating than most retinoids.


Does Acne Get Worse Before It Gets better with Differin Gel?

Adapalene like most retinoids can make your skin purge. This is known as retinization. It is basically the period your body adjusts to the new ingredient. Because adapalene works deep within the skin and causes rapid cell turnover, clogged pores within the skin come up to the surface quicker than usual. So Yes your skin may get more acne breakouts and you may experience redness, dryness, itching, and rashes.

These symptoms should subside within 4-6 weeks but may extend as far as 12 weeks.


How to use Differin Gel

Adapalene is broken down by light and can leave the skin sensitive to sunlight so use at night and always use sunscreens in the day. The Differin gel should be started slowly to give your skin time to better tolerate the product. Starting one time a week in the beginning and then build your way up to everyday use gradually to minimize irritation.

Studies have shown that serum levels of adapalene after an application are minimal however it’s better safe than sorry. So stay away from this product if you are trying to conceive, pregnant, or breastfeeding.


  • Start off with oil cleansing to breakdown makeup and excess oils
  • Cleanse with a foaming cleanser
  • Pat skin dry and allow to really dry
  • Apply a thin coat of the Differin gel to the face especially to acne-prone areas
  • Go over it with a moisturizer to minimize dryness and irritation

Avoid applying this around the eyes, the sides of the nose, and the corners of the mouth.

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How to use differin gel for acne

What not to use with Differin gel

Because Adapalene can be irritating, we need to err on the side of caution when using it. You shouldn’t use this product with any other product containing skin actives like alpha hydroxy acids (glycolic acid, lactic acid), and Beta hydroxy acid (salicylic acid) in the same routine. 

A good and safe way to incorporate these other skincare ingredients into your routine is to use them on the nights you are not using Differin gel.

I hope you found this post helpful and I will see you in the next post.


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