
As we start a new year, it’s important to think about ways we can improve our lives. This includes adopting healthy habits that will benefit our health and well-being. If you’re looking for ways to improve your skincare routine this year, here are 10 skincare goals to get started with!

What are the best Skincare Goals?

1. Use sunscreen every day

Using sunscreen daily should be the topmost priority for you this year.  When we leave our skin unprotected from the sun and pollution, we can suffer from sunspots and accelerated signs of aging.  

Sunscreen protects the skin by blocking out the harmful UVA and UVB rays, which can cause sunburns and free radical damage.  UVA rays are responsible for premature signs of aging, including wrinkles and dark spots.  UVB rays on the other hand are responsible for sunburns.

so when sourcing for sunscreens go for broadspectrum sunscreens that protect from both rays

So make sure you wear sunscreen of at least SPF 30 every day, rain or shine!  It will not only give your skin the hydration it needs to stay healthy but prevent damage to the skin caused by the sun.

2. Get at least 7 hours of sleep a night 

Ok, so this one isn’t about your skin specifically, but it’s still really important. Sleep is essential to not only look your best but to keep your mind working properly.

When we sleep the skin goes through a regenerative process, where it can repair itself from sun damage and pollution. This is why many people show the most improvement to their skin when they are getting enough sleep.

sleep deprivation can cause your skin to be dry and dull, which is definitely not a good look. You also might experience breakouts due to stress and lack of sleep.

So if your skincare routine could use a little improvement, try to get more sleep at night and see how it affects the way you look.

3. Try to use fewer beauty products

If you think beauty products are the only way you can get great skin, I’m here to tell you that’s not true. Granted, I do think that certain products — like moisturizer and sunscreen — can help your skin look more hydrated and dewy, but research has found that you can’t necessarily improve your skin by smothering it in over-the-top products.

What that means is you should try to use only the amount of product you need to get the look you’re going for. That might be a little less than what your favorite beauty guru uses in a tutorial, and that’s ok. The number of products you use should be very minimal — just enough to get the job done.

Many times when you use so many skincare products in your routine, you irritate your skin, which can actually have the opposite effect you were going for. By using too many products, you might be making your skin look dull and dry by over-drying it, which can also lead to breakouts and irritation.

So my advice is to try to use less product than you normally would, and keep it minimal! You never know what might happen. Your skin could end up looking better by using less product, rather than more.

4. Use a retinoid

Retinol is pretty much the number one skincare ingredient to use, and there’s a reason it consistently makes the list for the best skin care products.

Retinol is basically the vitamin A derivative that many dermatologists recommend because it’s been proven to reduce signs of aging. Retinol is definitely one of the best ingredients to invest in if you want great skin this year!

Retinol helps speed up cell turnover, which means it can prevent signs of aging and help even out your skin tone. Retinoids also help your skin produce more collagen, which can give you younger-looking skin over time. They also help fight against acne by getting rid of blackheads and whiteheads.  

Retinol can be a little intense sometimes, causing dryness and irritation to the skin. If that happens to you, try using less product or mixing it with your moisturizer. You can also start out slowly by only using retinol every other day for a week or two, then build your way up until you’re using it every night.

Taking breaks from retinol is also another great strategy to help avoid irritation.

Retinoids are basically the most effective ingredients there are, so if you haven’t tried one yet, I would definitely recommend looking into them!

Related Post: How to pick the right retinoid for you

5. Use an Antioxidant serum

To get clearer skin this year it is essential to incorporate an antioxidant serum into your skincare routine. Not only do antioxidant serums help to fight off free radicals that can still damage your skin, but they also stimulate collagen production. This will basically make your skin firmer and give you an overall more youthful glow.

A few antioxidant serums to incorporate into your routine this year for glowing skin are vitamin C, niacinamide, green tea, resveratrol, and vitamin E

Awesome Antioxidant recommendations

6.Take off makeup before bed

Irrespective of your skin type we should all be taking off our makeup at the end of the day.  Why?  Well, wearing makeup every day can clog pores and result in breakouts.

For the oily and acne-prone going to bed with make-up on a big NoNo as this can clog our finicky pores and leave us acne-prone.

When we take off our makeup and cleanse the skin at the end of the day, we allow the skin to repair itself while we sleep.

So my advice is to make sure you remove your makeup before going to bed as this puts you in a better position to have healthy skin.

7. Clean your face with a gentle cleanser twice a day

cleansing your face twice daily with a gentle cleanser is essential to getting glowing skin.  In fact, your skin’s health is directly affected by the products you use to cleanse it.

A gentle cleanser will cleanse your skin without stripping it of its moisture and disrupting the skin’s normal flora.

Your morning cleanse will give you a clean slate for the day while the evening cleanse will rid the skin of pollutants and impurities from the day.

To be sure you are getting the best out of your cleansing process, ensure you get the right cleanser for your skin type and concern.

Awesome gentle cleanser recommendations

8. Exfoliate once or twice a week to remove dead cells

Regular exfoliation should be an integral part of your skincare routine this year. exfoliation helps to rid the skin of dead cells that can cause your skin to look dull and flaky.

Exfoliation helps to unclog pores, too!  It allows the skin to breathe and brings out a natural healthy glow.

When we were younger, the skin renewed itself quickly but with age, we need to give it some assistance, or else we would be left with very dull skin.

There are several ways we can exfoliate, such as chemical or manual/physical exfoliation,

With physical exfoliation, you are using a scrub or a sponge to remove dead skin cells. While with chemical exfoliation, you are using a product that has ingredients such as salicylic acid, glycolic acid, lactic acid, and mandelic acid to dissolve the bonds that hold skin cells together.

So this year, make it a habit to exfoliate your skin at least once or twice weekly.

Awesome exfoliants recommendations

9. Moisturize after washing your face every time you cleanse

Regardless of the season, your skin type, and the type of facial cleanser you use, you should be moisturizing your skin after every wash.  

Moisturizers help the skin by infusing moisture and sealing that moisture in.  This reduces the evaporation of water from the skin, thus preserving its elasticity and suppleness.

Moisturizing your skin is a good daily skincare habit.  I totally recommend it as part of our skincare goals!

You don’t need to apply a thick layer, just enough for the skin to absorb.

Awesome facial moisturizers recommendations

10. Avoid smoking cigarettes and Excessive Alcohol intake

Cigarette smoking and excessive alcohol intake take their toll on the skin, causing premature aging.  So if you plan to look good this year avoid cigarette smoking and excessive alcohol intake.

These habits increase free radicals that break down collagen and elastin in the skin and this is evident in fine lines, wrinkles, dark spots, dryness, sagging skin, and pigmentation.

Check Out 10 healthy skincare habits for 2022

In conclusion,

The 10 skincare goals that we’ve outlined will help keep your skin healthy and hydrated.

I hope the post was insightful, and please let us know which of these goals you are hoping to achieve this year.

See you at the next one.

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