
Everywhere you turn you see the same advice from dermatologists telling you to keep your hands off your face, and you are like “but my face is sore from all these pimples” I get that this can be very difficult to do, but if you can try to minimize how often you touch your pimples, your skin will thank you for it.

When we pop those pimples we increase the chances of getting pitted acne scars, causing greater inflammation that leaves our skin with a more severe post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

In this post, I will be sharing with you the best overnight acne spot treatments to help minimize the discomfort caused by those pesky little dots. So If this is something you would like then.

Grab a cup of coffee, tea, or something…and let’s dive in

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5 Best Acne Spot Treatments You Need To Try

Acne spot treatments are designed to provide quick relief to inflammatory acne, they calm inflammation by clearing the acne-causing bacteria, unclogging pores, and these in turn, reduces the redness, swelling, and pain.

They are not meant to replace your acne treatments, but rather to serve as adjuncts when you need a quick fix, because they only work on acne that is already formed.

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When to Use Acne Spot Treatments 

Spot treatments are not effective for all kinds of acne. They work best against inflammatory acne (papules and pustules). These treatments are not for blackheads and whiteheads( comedonal acne) which are better treated with exfoliating ingredients and retinoids. The treatments we are focusing on today are so effective at calming pustules that you can see results as quickly as overnight.

Acne spot treatments should be applied as soon as you notice the pimple forming before it comes to a head. This is when you can nip the inflammation in the bud. However, applying them at any point still helps.

How to Apply Acne Spot Treatments

Spot treatments for acne come in small tubes. You simply dab the product onto the skin, directly on the pimple. They are usually not applied across the whole face as most of them are very drying. Applying a moisturizer afterward helps with controlling this dryness.


The 5 Best Overnight Acne Spot Treatments

There are a wide variety of acne spot treatments, but they are not all as effective as they claim to be.

Below are the best overnight acne spot treatments:

  • Benzoyl peroxide
  • Salicylic acid
  • Sulfur
  • Zinc oxide
  • Hydrocolloid Patches


Acne Spot Treatments With Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is hands down the best acne spot out there. It is very effective in the treatment of inflammatory acne. It kills the acne-forming bacteria by releasing free radicals that make the place uncomfortable for them. This also makes it incompatible with many skincare ingredients as it’s been known to oxidize many skincare ingredients it comes in contact with.

Benzoyl peroxide comes in different strengths ranging from 2.5% – 10%. Benzoyl peroxide spot treatments are very drying and so shouldn’t be used without a moisturizer.

Read More : How to use benzoyl peroxide for acne to see results

Product recommendations

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Best acne spot treatments

Acne Spot Treatments with Salicylic acid 

Salicylic acid is a chemical exfoliant that treats acne by unclogging the pores. It is a beta hydroxy acid(BHA) that unclogs the pores by loosening the glue that holds skin cells together. It also controls sebum production and has been shown to have some anti-inflammatory properties as well. It can also leave you with some dryness so don’t forget to moisturize.

Read More : How to use salicylic acid for acne the right way

Product recommendations


Acne Spot Treatments with Sulfur

Sulfur is another ingredient to look out for in your acne spot treatments. It is antimicrobial and antifungal. It treats acne by clearing the acne-forming bacteria, absorbing excess sebum, and exfoliating dead skin cells. The edge sulfur has over the other spot treatments is that it is less irritating and so is a better choice for those with sensitive skin.

Product recommendations

Acne Spot Treatments with zinc oxide

Zinc oxide has been used for ages to treat skin irritation. When used as an acne spot treatment, it dries out the acne and can calm signs of irritation like itching. It should be used with a moisturizer because it causes some dryness.

Product recommendations 


Hydrocolloid Patches

Hydrocolloid patches are pimple patches that provide quick relief to inflammatory acne. They pull moisture from the pimples, drying them out and minimizing inflammation. Some pimple patches contain acne-fighting ingredients such as salicylic acid. Hydrocolloid patches are wonderful in helping you keep your hands off your face. This acne spot treatment is suitable for you if you are in “the pimple poppers gang “😜

Product recommendations 


I hope this post helps you pick products to calm your inflamed spots.




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