
Was a differin gel recommended to you for the treatment of your acne, you started using it, everything was fine and then you realize your skin is so sore that you can barely get anything on it? Yep either you are having an adverse reaction to it, or you were just using it wrongly.

In this post, I will be sharing with you 7 common differin mistakes you are probably making. These mistakes could cause skin irritation, worsen your skin condition, or could give you the impression your Differin gel is not working. If this is of interest to you then…

Grab a cup of coffee, tea, or something… and let’s dive in

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7 Common Differin Gel Mistakes

Differin gel is an acne treatment marketed for the treatment of mild to moderate acne. It contains the retinoid adapalene 0.1%. Adapalene is a third-generation retinoid that treats acne by increasing the rate of skin cell turnover, unclogging the pores, and stimulating collagen production. It is not a spot treatment. It is notorious for being very drying and irritating to the skin and should be used with caution, especially for sensitive skin types.

Read More: How to use Differin gel for acne

Many people complain of this product not being effective and many times it is usually as a result of using it wrongly. Below are the top 7 differin gel mistakes that could be responsible for that.

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Using Differin Gel As a Spot Treatment 

Differin gel like other retinoids works to gradually increase the skin turnover rate, gradually unclogging your pores and keeping your breakouts under control. They are not spot treatments. So applying them only to active acne spots will be doing absolutely nothing for you. The effects of differin begin to manifest anywhere from 8 weeks to 3 months with the most benefits seen after 6 months to 1 year of use. Apply differin gel thinly across your whole face for best results.

Read More: Best overnight acne spot treatments you need to try 


Starting Too Strong Too Soon

Differin gel should be started gradually, retinoids can be very sensitizing. They cause dryness and peeling, so you want to ease your way into it. This is particularly important for those who are brand new to retinoids. A simple way to start is to start once a week application in the beginning, do this for 2 weeks, then increase to twice weekly for another 2- 4 weeks before moving to every other day.


Using Too Much Product

With Differin gel, a little goes a long way. This is a product that takes time to work. So it doesn’t matter whether you pack the whole tube on your face, it will take its course. Applying too much would only cause you more irritation. Use an ample amount across your whole face and you are good to go.


Not Using A Moisturizer Afterward

Differin gel is very drying. It’s a light gel formulation that gets easily absorbed into the skin. Not using a moisturizer will worsen the dryness usually associated with adapalene and could cause your oil glands to produce more oils to balance out the skin, this, in turn, could clog the pores and cause more breakouts. Moisturizers provide hydration to the skin and seal the skin, preventing transepidermal water loss.

Differin gel


Using Differin Gel With Other Actives

For the sake of preserving your skin barrier health, it’s important to not combine ingredients that irritate the skin. Now for differin gel, you don’t want to go combining it with ingredients that dry the skin out as well. Ingredients like L ascorbic acid (Vitamin C), AHA’s (glycolic acid, lactic acid and pandemic acid), and BHAs (salicylic acid) especially the leave-on forms. You can use them at different times in the day. Or opt for rinse-out forms if your skin can handle it. If you deal with sensitivity then just use them on different days.


Not Giving It Time To Work

As I stated earlier, the benefits of using Differin gel become evident around the 3- 6 month mark, so don’t expect to see a transformational difference in your skin before this. So stopping the product too soon because you aren’t seeing results, is not the way to go. It is one of those ingredients you have to stick with for the long haul.


Not Incorporating Other Products In Your Routine

Acne may seem simple but is most often than not a chronic skin condition for many. Acne occurs when the pores are clogged for either dead skin cells, excess sebum, or an inflammatory process caused by the acne-forming bacteria. So to get your acne under control, you need to tackle these different pathways. If you deal with mild to moderate acne you could incorporate products with salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and azelaic acid. If it’s moderate to severe, you may need to see your dermatologist for prescription medication.

Read More:


Have you been using your differin gel wrongly? If yes, which mistake are you making? Let’s know in the comment section below.

Have a lovely day,



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